Yeah, go to bed.
and stop eating so much cheese.
Yeah, go to bed.
and stop eating so much cheese.
I ended up actually going to bed after putting up this track
Thanks for the 5 star rating tho
This is beautiful man, really chill vibe. Intro is relaxing, I would hardly classify this as EDM. The drums aren't too in your face when they join the fray.
Seems well mastered, only problem I have is sometimes it doesn't sound like your bassline is matching your piano and other instruments a couple of times, but because it was so enjoyable it wasn't that noticable. Didn't even realise it was 4 minutes long. It went by so fast :)
Awesome work man! -Mind checking out one of my recents?-
OMG thank you so much. I will surely check your songs out
I love experimental, you never know what you're gonna get when you click on it.
Lyrics are good, the overall vibe is good. Seems well made.
Sounds great, just seems like there is too much going on at one time for me to enjoy individual elements. Seems well mastered, not too lengthy and the choice of sounds are great and nothing get's boring.
Towards the end your drums do get a little drowned out, which are what is going to drive your hip-hop music mainly, look out for this in future.
Thanks for the advice and for listening!
Not enough to it. Although simple, it's too simple. There isn't enough progression or instrument use. It's just this part, then this part with some extra claps.
It's not mastered terribly, but it's not great either. Try to spend a bit longer on your pieces and add more stuff to them.
Don’t worry :) something big is coming soon
Not digging it. Drops are too muddy, too much going on, and it's all high EQ. Although I can hear the bass, it doesn't stand out, and the lack of mids is really unpleasing.
Onto the good points, beat is solid and what you'd expect from a future house sort of track. Your intro and breakdown aren't too long. They don't get boring. I think your first drop comes a little unexpected. I would like to see more build up, and a few more elements coming in before the main drop. Instrument choice is nice. But like I said, better mastering is needed in future.
Great effort dude
Thanks for your honest feedback! It helps me alot^^
It's aged well. While I found the intro be a little muddy and the EQ a bit imperfect. Once it drops, it's fantastic. The bassline is great, really lives in the subwoofer as it should.
Despite the intro, the rest of the track is really mastered well. Nothing is drowned out too greatly.
Your 2:30 break is good and gives us a chance to get ready for the final drop which isn't much different from the first one, but enough to notice.
Great track, really enjoyed it.
Live guitar was a nice touch.
Well mastered, although a bit more punch on the bass wouldn't go amiss.
Sounds fantastic overall, well done!
Getting ready for halloween are we? :)
Only the last 344 days.
Intro and outro blew me away. Great psy-trance beat. Like PERFECT psy-trance beat. I can really dig it. hi-hats in these areas are a bit loud though. My only issue.
Middle with the offbeat bass sounds really great. However it doesn't fit the intro of the song imo. I expected something different. It sounds like you've taken two separate pieces of music and merged them together.
3:12 is a great drop. However your main melody trance lead is drowning the rest of the track, try and lower the levels or EQ it better.
You get 5/5 for the psy-trance vibes though. Have a go at a psy-trance song and PM me!
Thank you so much!!!
Been producing a while on and off. Have a youtube channel with the same name if you'd like to see music/gaming content :D
Age 32
Joined on 8/13/09